Link to Epapers Regular, Special Sessions, and Focused Sessions Upload Portal Epapers Late Breaking News Upload Portal
Author Submission and Presentation Information
All paper submissions will be through one of two Epapers Upload Portals as listed above. See the Call for Contributions section for details about paper submissions, formatting, and the review process. Author presentation details will be provided at a later date when the path Covid-19 will follow becomes better known. Authors will have the option of making in-person presentations in Austin or virtual presentations using the Conflux virtual presentation platform. Conflux was used for ISCAS 2020 and ISCAS 2021 as well as for some other CAS-Society sponsored conferences. The in-person presentations will be dominantly oral but a poster format may be used for some presentations. A double blind review process will be used for the review of all regular papers, special session papers, and focus session papers. Since Late Breaking News Papers will be submitted camera ready, a single blind review process will be used for Late Breaking News papers. The paper acceptance criteria will be identical irrespective of whether the presentation format is virtual, in-person oral, or in-person poster. All authors will be required to submit a 15-minute oral presentation in .mp4 format well in advance of the conference irrespective of the presentation format. These oral presentations will be available to all registrants irrespective of whether participation is in-person or virtual. The oral presentations will be archived and made available through Xplore for all subscribers at a later date.